Tag Archives: foster children

Are You My Mom?

Katheryn Deprill is doing something many of us could not fathom.

She’s looking for the woman who gave birth to her, and then abandoned her. Not by putting her up for adoption, or taking her to a an obvious place like a hospital or fire station, but placing her in a fast-food restaurant restroom, and leaving her there.

Twenty-seven years ago, someone out there left a newborn baby girl in an Allentown, PA Burger King

I'm cute...but where did I come from?

I’m cute…but where did I come from?

bathroom. She was found, taken in by a foster family who later adopted her, grew up in a happy and safe home, got married and now has three children of her own.

She is using social media in the hopes of reconnecting with the woman who did not throw her away that day, but at least left her in a warm, public place in the hopes that she would be found. She was, and she’s not angry.

Whoever you are, your daughter wants to know who you are more than why you did it.

She wants to know if she has other siblings more than how you decided to choose that restaurant restroom to give her a shot at a new life.

She needs to know her medical history, for her own sake and that of her children, more than what was going through your mind the day you decided you could not be the mom she needed.

Whatever you have in terms of material possessions, your daughter wants to add to it with love, not take any of it away.

Personally, I’m not sure I’d be so forgiving. Deprill sounds excited and eager to find out where she came from, rather than how or why. So if you are Katheryn Deprill’s mom, let her know.


Filed under Children, Current news, Relationships, social media